Speeding is a factor in 31 percent of all fatal crashes nationwide, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. At 70 mph, a driver is traveling at 102 feet per second. At 80 mph, the rate increases to 117 feet per second. Given that the average reaction time is about three seconds, that means a car going 70 mph will travel about 305 feet — the length of a football field — before the driver can react. At 80 mph, the number increases to 350 feet.
Monthly Archives: May 2006
If You’re Going to Get Tasered, Snort Some Coke First
The title to this post is no joke. I found this on the Motley Fool website. Taser International has issued the following statement: “TASER International, Inc. … announced today that … a standard electrical discharge from a TASER brand device does not induce ventricular fibrillation, and that cocaine intoxication increases the safety margin even further.” Maybe Taser’s PR department should take a vacation.
J&J Criticized for Not Testing Safety of Natrecor
Johnson & Johnson has come under heavy criticism recently for failing to test its cardiac drug Natrecor. The drug, approved in 2001 for intravenous use in hospitalized patients whose hearts pump so weakly that they have trouble breathing, has yet to be tested for safety.
Agricultura en Nuestro Estado
Existe un gran problema en los campos de agricultura en el Estado de Florida. Sin embargo no se aprecia en toda su magnitud pues los afectados directamente son agricultores inmigrantes quienes no hablan Ingles. Ellos recogen nuestras fresas y tomates. Ellos se quiebran la espalda y trabajan de sol a sol por salarios debajo del minimo. Ellos viven en casas rodantes en estados muy precarios ni siquiera apropiados para animales. Lo mas alarmante y penoso es que sus bebes nacen con defectos y minusvalias causadas por el efecto de los pesticidas que se usan en los campos de cultivo. Uno de los mayores causantes es el herbicida metribuzin. El reporte de EPA advierte especificamente que “agricultores” sufren el riesgo de intoxicacion si ellos inhalan el mencionado quimico. La advertencia indica que se debe usar equipo de proteccion especial cuando se usa el mencionado quimico y tambien advierte que los trabajadores deben de esperar 12 horas antes de entrar en contacto con el terreno tratado. Entre los anos 1999 y 2003, Ag-Mart una compania productora en Plant City fue citada tres veces por inspectores estatales por violacion de regulaciones en el uso de pesticidas en los campos del estado de Florida. Las violaciones involucran directamente las advertencias de EPA en relacion al quimico metrabuzin: De no cumplir con mantener a los trabajadores fuera de los campos de cultivo despues del tiempo prudencial de haber tratado el terreno. De no cumplir con proveer proteccion adecuada cuando se tiene contacto directo con el quimico y de no cumplir con mantener los records adecuados del uso de herbicidas y pesticidas
Agricultura y Los Pesticidas
Existe un gran problema en los campos de agricultura en el Estado de Florida. Sin embargo no se aprecia en toda su magnitud pues los afectados directamente son agricultores inmigrantes quienes no hablan Ingles. Ellos recogen nuestras fresas y tomates. Ellos se quiebran la espalda y trabajan de sol a sol por salarios debajo del mínimo. Ellos viven en casas rodantes en estados muy precarios ni siquiera apropiados para animales. Lo mas alarmante y penoso es que sus bebes nacen con defectos y minusvalías causadas por el efecto de los pesticidas que se usan en los campos de cultivo. Uno de los mayores causantes es el herbicida metribuzin.
Pesticides and Birth Defects
There’s a major problem in the agricultural fields of Florida. Yet, it goes practically unnoticed because those affected are migrant farmworkers who often don’t speak much English. They pick our strawberries and tomatoes. They provide back breaking labor for sub standard wages. They often live in ramshackle trailers we wouldn’t consider appropriate for farm animals. Most tragically, their children are born with severe birth defects because of the pesticides used in these fields. One of the major culprits is the herbicide metribuzin. The EPA report on metribuzin specifically warns that “field workers” are at risk if they inhale the chemical. The warning calls for special protective equipment to be used when it is applied and also requires that workers wait 12 hours before entering a field where the chemical has been employed. Between 1999 and 2003, Ag-Mart, a produce company based in Plant City, was cited three times by state inspectors for violations of pesticide regulations in its Florida fields. Those violations involved the precise EPA concerns attached to a chemical such as metribuzin: failure to keep workers out of fields for a sufficient time after chemicals have been used, failure to provide proper protective equipment and failure to keep proper records of pesticide and herbicide use.
Wyeth’s Fen-Phen Settlement Approved
Drug maker Wyeth is expected to announce as early as today that a revised legal settlement, covering the most common damage claims for the diet drugs it once sold, has won final judicial approval. About 5.8 million people took Wyeth’s drugs Redux or Pondimin before they were removed from the market in 1997. The drugs constituted the fenfluramine portion of the once popular fen-phen diet combination.
In Public Relations World It’s Botch & Lomb
There’s an interesting article published in Advertising Ageabout how Bausch & Lomb botched the crisis surrounding its $500 million contact lens solution products market. In spite of a public relations blitz in which the company took out full page advertisements in 12 major daily newspapers, Bausch & Lomb was slow to react to the public health problems surrounding its products. Because of their tardiness, many are now suffering from the effects of the painful fungus known as fusarium keratitis.
FDA Urges Stronger Warning for Ketek
Citing a growing number of deaths related to liver failure, the FDA has called for a stronger warning label for the antibiotic drug KetekThe FDA has received reports of 12 cases of acute liver failure, including the four deaths, in patients treated with Ketek, according to a copy of an FDA memo. FDA safety evaluators also uncovered 23 other cases where patients suffered serious liver injuries after receiving the antibiotic, which is formally called telithromycin.
Asian Officials Slam Bausch & Lomb for Slow Reaction
Singapore health officials have strongly criticized ReNu with MoistureLoc maker Bausch & Lomb for its tardy response to a growing health crisis. According to the Singapore health authorities, three months ago, they had established a strong statistical connection between Bausch & Lomb’s ReNu With MoistureLoc cleaner and Fusarium eye fungus infections.
Singapore officials are now openly critical of the company for not acting faster. They criticize the company for being slow to recall the solution even after their own research yielded what they said was compelling evidence of a link between the MoistureLoc solution and a spate of infections there.