Monthly Archives: May 2006

Arizona Judge Won’t Let Monsignor Fushek’s Attorneys Intimidate Witnesses with Sex Questions

A judge in Monsignor Fushek’s sex case has decided to not allow defense attorneys to question witnesses about their sexual history. Fortunately, the judge recognized the tactic for what it is- a bullying tactic to dissuade witnesses from testifying against the powerful priest. Fushek will stand trial June 2nd for misdemeanor counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, assault and indecent exposure

Why Bausch & Lomb Withdrew ReNu from the Market

The relationship between the recent outbreak of fusarium keratitis and Bausch & Lomb’s ReNu eye contact solution is becoming clearer as the CDC and the FDA continues its investigation. According to an article in Reuters, “The 57 percent share of cases preliminarily reported for the company’s MoistureLoc formula is significantly and disproportionately higher than its U.S. market share of less than 10 percent,” the company said in a statement.
“This disproportionate representation of MoistureLoc formula in the CDC case reports is the reason Bausch & Lomb voluntarily withdrew … from the market while the investigation to determine the cause of these unusual infections continue,” the company said.

Bausch & Lomb Says Initial Fusarium Findings Require More Investigation

In reaction to the CDC’s initial report on the fusarium fungus linked to Bausch & Lomb’s ReNu, the company has stated that the report requires further investigation. Now, we don’t know if this public relations obfuscation or the data reported thus far really requires further review. We do know that this fungus can cause blindness and/or serious eye damage if it’s not treated in a timely fashion.

ReNu Abogado

Si ud. ha estado usando la solución ReNu para sus lentes de contacto y ha experimentado una herida de los ojos, posiblemente podría recibir compensación por su herida. Es muy importante que ud. consulte con un oftalmólogo inmediatamente. El doctor tiene que tomar una muestra de sus ojos para determinar si tiene el hongo fusarium keratitis. Favor de llamar a nuestra oficina para una consulta gratis.

Su ReNu Abogado

Si ud. ha estado usando la solución ReNu para sus lentes de contacto y ha experimentado una herida de los ojos, posiblemente podría recibir compensación por su herida. Es muy importante que ud. consulte con un oftalmólogo inmediatamente. El doctor tiene que tomar una muestra de sus ojos para determinar si tiene el hongo fusarium keratitis. Favor de llamar a nuestra oficina para una consulta gratis.

Ketek Raising Eyebrows

Ketek, a respiratory infection drug manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis and approved by the FDA in 2004, has been associated with severe liver damage. It’s not the first time the drug has caused controversy. The doctor who treated the most patients in the study, Maria “Anne” Kirkman Campbell, is in federal prison after pleading guilty to defrauding Aventis and others. An indictment says Dr. Campbell fabricated data she sent to the company. The documents show that Aventis was worried about Dr. Campbell early in study 3014 but didn’t tell the FDA until the agency’s own inspectors discovered the problem independently.

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