Catholic League President Attacks Survivors Advocates

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights President Bill Donohue has once again lashed out against those trying to help the survivors of sexual abuse. Donohue wrote a column published on the League’s website calling them a “pitiful bunch of malcontents” with a caption of a baby crying next to the article.
While these types of verbal attacks are not new from Donohue, it’s high time the bishops stand up and tell him to stop speaking as if he was speaking on their behalf. Anyone who has had the privilege of working with sexual abuse survivors knows full well the psychic damage caused by sexual abuse, especially at the hands of a religious figure such as a priest. It’s completely unwarranted and reprehensible to attack the victims and act as if all of us should just “move on” or “get over it”.
One wonders how Donohue would react if one of his children had been the victim of sexual abuse.