Monthly Archives: March 2006

Chicago Cardinal Told Vatican Not to Release Document on Homosexuality in the Priesthood

In a January 2006 interview with a Chicago newspaper, Francis Cardinal George admitted urging Vatican officials to delay release of the document concerning homosexuals and the priesthood for fear of backlash from activist groups in the USA. George cited the fact that the groups already blame the church for linking homosexuality and the abuse crisis as cause for delay of the document. The Vatican response to the request was a curt No.

Guidant Officials Worried About Device Defects

When Guidant Corp. came under fire last year for not revealing to doctors it’s problems with its medical device, it remained positive in its public announcements. But newly released documents show that, inside Indianapolis-based Guidant, executives were struggling to contain a mounting crisis.
The records illustrate how a series of miscalculations by Guidant, like its misreading of doctors’ tolerance for being kept in the dark, as well as its initial decision not to recall devices, put the company on the defensive. As a result, company executives repeatedly changed course.

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3 Police Officers on Leave After Taser Death

A second Fort Pierce police officer and an agent with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement have been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation into the death of Samuel F. Hair Jr.
Hair, 48, was given a Taser shock by police the night of Feb. 21 in the Lawnwood Regional Medical Center & Heart Institute emergency room and died at the hospital Friday after being taken off life support.
Edwin Minton Jr., a 54-year-old with 16 years on the force who also was working in an off-duty capacity at the hospital when he administered the shocks, has been on leave since the incident.

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