Bayer Settles Some Gadolinium Contrast Dye Lawsuits

Bayer AG has settled approximately 40 of the 241 lawsuits concerning its gadolinium contrast dye product Magnevist. The lawsuits contend that the contrast dye has caused Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) in those with pre-existing kidney disease. NSF can be a fatal disease marked by a hardening of the skin which can replicate in any organ but has been linked to gadolinium in those with kidney disease. Symptoms include hardening of the skin, high blood pressure, burning, and itching.
Bayer is not the only gadolinium contrast dye manufacturer. Other products include Omniscan by GE Healthcare, OptiMARK by Mallinckrodt/Tyco Healthcare, ProHance by Bracco Diagnostics and MultiHance by Bracco Diagnostics.
Gadolinium’s link to NSF led the FDA to ask the manufacturers of the gadoliniums contrast dye to add a black box warning to its label in September 2007.