A federal agency has confirmed what we’ve suspected for months-some Chinese drywall causes corrosion of electronic devices and appliances in homes. The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced their findings yesterday as residents affected by the contaminated Chinese drywall scrambled to find solutions to the problem in their homes. CPSC is also investigation reports of health issues related to the Chinese drywall. No definitive determinations have been made at this time.
Some homeowners are considering Chinese drywall lawsuits. At this point, only one manufacturer, Knauf, has agreed to accept service in the litigation. However, the Knauf Chinese drywall lawsuit deadline is pending, December 2, 2009.
CPSC tested 51 homes in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Virginia for contaminated Chinese drywall. So far, the federal agency has logged 2,091 Chinese drywall complaints from 32 states. More than 1,400 complaints were lodged by Florida residents.
At least one elected official has voiced skepticism over CPSC’s findings. Florida US Senator Bill Nelson has been highly critical with the agency’s slow response to the problem. “I’m still disappointed the government is taking too long to establish whether there’s a link between drywall, corrosion and health problems,” he said.