Complaints About Another Artificial Hip Implant

This time the implantable hip device is manufactured by Zimmer Holdings. Most recently, Stryker hips were recalled because of manufacturing and design issues. The Zimmer hip, although not recalled, has received complaints from surgeons and patients who state that the design is flawed causing many patients to undergo revision hip surgery. Zimmer officials claim that the design is not defective but admits that some surgeons have found the device difficult to implant. Zimmer’s comments come on the heels of its own investigation into the implant after some surgeons had complained to them about the medical device. Since it was first sold in the United States in 2006, the Durom cup has been implanted in more than 12,000 patients.
According to a report in the NY Times, “The issue with the device surfaced in April when a surgeon in Los Angeles, Dr. Lawrence Dorr, publicly warned other orthopedists about cup failures his patients were experiencing. In response, Zimmer said it would start an investigation but said it saw no reason to take added action like halting sales.” Dorr has said that he won’t start using the hip device again, “It is a bad design.”