Defective Hip Lawsuit To Be Filed Today

We are filing a new lawsuit concerning a defective hip replacement device that’s experienced unacceptably high failure rates. This lawsuit names Wright Medical Technology, Inc. and Wright Medical Group, Inc., the manufacturers of the Wright ProFemur Total Hip System, as defendants in the defective hip replacement lawsuit.
The Wright ProFemur Total Hip System is comprised of three separate components which are assembled during surgery: a femoral head, a modular neck and the femoral stem. Studies have shown and patients have experienced a design defect in the femoral implant that causes it to fracture just below the neck. The fracture causes Wright hip implant patients to experience tremendous pain. The femoral fracture requires immediate surgery that is extensive and complicated since the defective hip prosthetic must be extricated from the patient.
The hip lawsuit to be filed today points out that “studies have shown that modular neck adapters made from titanium alloy, such as the ProFemur modular neck adapter” “are more likely to suffer fretting corrosion and fatigue fracture than those made from cobalt-chromium.”
A 2009 report by the Australian Orthopaedic Association showed that the Wright ProFemur Z femoral stem had a high failure rate requiring approximately 11.2 percent of all patients receiving the implant to need revision surgery.
According to the complaint, in 2009, Wright Medical changed the material in the ProFemur Hip System Modular Necks from titanium to cobalt chrome alloy, but the company took “no corrective action in the form of a recall or even an announcement of warning to the medical community or to the public at large concerning its decision to switch from titanium modular neck adapters to cobalt chrome adapters.”
The first model of this hip device was cleared for market use in December 2000. Four years later, the Wright ProFemur hip system was given 510 (k) regulatory clearance. As early as 2007, the company knew or should have known from scientific research data that its ProFemur hip system was failing at an unacceptably high rate.