Do Metal-on-Metal Hip Replacements Increase Cancer Risk?

Some research associated with hip implants, particularly metal-on-metal devices, has suggested the metal-on-metal hip implant devices may increase the risk of developing cancer. As the metal-on-metal hips are drawing increased regulatory scrutiny, some researchers have found that these types of artificial hip devices may lead to a systemic toxicity. We’ve blogged previously about the potential danger of metallosis, a condition in which the blood is infected by loose metallic particles flowing freely into the bloodstream from the rubbing of the metal-on-metal devices.
The latest of these devices, the Wright ProFemur Total Hip System has been found to fail at an alarmingly high rate. The Wright hips were approved by the FDA under the controversial 510(k) system by which similar medical devices (in this case the Wright ProFemur Total Hip System) is approved without much regulatory review or testing because they are deemed similar in design to those already approved by the FDA.