Embattled Bishop Spurned by High School Seniors

Fifty seniors at Trinity High School in Manchester NH have asked NH Bishop John McCormack not to come to their graduation. McCormack, a top lieutenant of disgraced Cardinal Law of Boston during the 1980’s has been in the forefront of the clergy abuse scandal in Boston and Manchester NH. According to the Boston Herald, a tense meeting between the Bishop and students was held last Friday. During the meeting, the Bishop was asked questions about the abuse scandal and responded by yelling, “Prove it! Show me the evidence!”
In spite of the students’ protests, a spokesman for the Diocese of Manchester said McCormack will celebrate a Mass at the graduation anyway. So much for listening to the voice of the faithful.
During McCormack’s tenure in Boston, he was in charge of supervising and transferring such pedophile priests as John Geoghan and Paul Shanley.