Personal Injury Protection, also known as PIP coverage, can be a complex maze for those involved in auto accidents. Here are a few tips to remember when dealing with this type of auto insurance coverage:
According to Florida law, if you own a motor vehicle with four or more wheels you must carry $10,000 of personal injury protection insurance (PIP) and a minimum of $10,000 of property damage liability insurance. You may have a deductible of up to $2,000 for PIP coverage and $500 for Property Damage Liability.
Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance covers you regardless of whether you cause an accident (are “at-fault”) — up to the limits of the policy. PIP is designed to reduce the necessity of suing for reimbursement of medical and related bills from auto accidents. PIP pays:
— 80 percent of reasonable medical expenses
— 60 percent of lost wages
— $5,000 for death benefits
For accidents that happen in Florida, PIP covers you and relatives who live in your home, certain passengers, and others who drive your car with your permission. Pedestrians and bicyclists are also covered if they are Florida residents.
For accidents that happen outside Florida but inside the U.S. or Canada, PIP covers you and relatives who live in your home. In this case, you must be driving your own vehicle. Persons other than you or your relatives are not covered.
Property Damage Liability Insurance pays, for damage you or members of your family cause to another persons property while driving. The term “property” includes, for example, a fence, telephone pole or building, as well as another car.
Coverage applies even if you drive someone else’s car. Depending on the terms and conditions of your policy, it may also include anyone else who uses your car without your permission.