Info for Victims of Auto Accidents in Florida

Auto accidents remain the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 34. Each year, 40,000 people lose their lives in auto crashes. The resulting psychological, economic, and physical toll places tremendous strain on families and individuals alike. If the accident is not stressful enough, the aftermath can be a nightmare dealing with issues such as medical treatment, car repairs, mounting hospital bills, lost time from work, and lost wages. Yet, the decisions you make during this stressful period can have lasting impact upon you and your family.
If you’re involved in an accident what should you do?
Call the Police immediately
Fill out an accident report thoroughly
Obtain names and phone numbers of witnesses
Seek medical treatment even if you feel ok at the scene (your adrenaline may mask a serious injury)

What is PIP and how does it work?
As a no fault state, Florida requires that each insured driver pay for their own auto accident related medical expenses. This is done through what is commonly known as PIP or Personal Injury Protection and MP or Medical Payments coverage. PIP provides for the following:
80% of all reasonable expenses related to treatment for the auto accident. This includes medical, surgical, x-ray, dental, and rehab services.
Accident victims may also recover for replacement services which are whatever ordinary services they could perform on their own but can no longer due as a result of the accident.
What is Medical Payments Coverage and what does it do?
MP coverage pays the remaining 20% of expenses not paid by PIP. It also will cover expenses related to the accident if PIP is exhausted.
As you can see, this gets complicated, especially if you are injured or disabled as a result of the accident. I’m a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer who’s been handling auto accident cases for my clients for more than 20 years now. My office staff and I will help you with questions about getting your car fixed or replaced and answer any questions you may have regarding lost wages. I have the experience and the understanding to help you in your time of need.