The deposition I took in June of Sister Lucy Vasquez led Orlando Sentinel reporter to dig into the recent past of the Diocese of Orlando. The deposition was taken for a case in which I represent a young man who was sexually abused by a Catholic priest in the 1980’s. During the deposition, I asked Sister Lucy, the former Chancellor of the Diocese of Orlando, about another priest who had sexually abused minors. The priest was from Philadelphia and had left a treatment facility for sexual abusers and landed in Orlando. When parishioners became concerned that the priest was living with teenage boys, they called their local priest who in turn called Sister Lucy. Sister Lucy then called her counterpart in Philadelphia. It’s interesting to note that she did not call the authorities. During her deposition testimony, Sister Lucy stated that she could not recall the priest or the phone call she made to Philadelphia about him. According to her testimony, she took no notes, made no records, and opened no files about this priest. Yet she was in charge of wayward priests at the time. After reading the Philadelphia Grand Jury Report in which this priest is mentioned, it’s hard to believe Sister Lucy did not see red flags concerning this priest. Apparently, her colleague in Philadelphia told her about his past yet she chose to take no action. This is why we need to pursue the truth in a court of law. The church has shown itself time and time again as incapable of policing themselves.