Low Testosterone And Middle Aged Men

Middle Age Men Facing Low T Crisis of Epidemic Proportions
Or are they?
According to an October 15, 2013 New York Times article, low testosterone levels, or Low T, in men are basically an invented condition. Dr. Joel Finkelstein, an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, told the New York Times that there was “no such disease” as low T. Once used for older men with hormonal deficiencies caused by medical problems, the Low T gels are now being sold ‘as a lifestyle product’. Furthermore, the article states that Low T is rarely the cause of erectile dysfunction.
The article goes on to state that Dr. Eric Topol, Cardiologist and Chief Academic Officer at Scripps Health in San Diego was alarmed at the number of his patients who use underarm roll-on testosterone medications, stating that the medications come with a high risk of coronary artery disease and possible side effect of an enlarged prostrate.
If doctors are alarmed and there is a risk of an enlarged prostate, along with a high risk of heart disease, then why are millions of men using testosterone gels? The simple truth is that pharmaceutical companies invest enormous amounts of energy, money and time into learning the psychology of consumers. Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars parlaying the results of their research into strategies for direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising, called DTCPA by the FDA. Whether we are in our car, or on our phones, computers or televisions, DTCPA soaks the market from almost any electronic device. Not one lobe of our cerebral cortex is forgotten. We are enticed visually, seduced orally, and lured through our own imaginations to conjure pictures of material and sexual success, and suddenly, “Hey Doc! I think I have that!”
Costs for some of these overpriced medications can amount to $400 – $500 month, usually picked up in part, by insurance companies. That may sound good for us in the short-term, but what are we actually paying for? In this case, it is a well-funded psychological warfare designed to keep us addicted to a commercially created illness, as well as an increase overall to our already overpriced healthcare costs.
Some of the adverse effects of testosterone gels do not only include the prescribed user, but children who come in contact with the gels. Medical literature in the Journal of Pediatric and Endocrinology and Metabolism, chronicles two incidents of a 21-month-old boy and 4-year-old girl who grew pubic hair and had other adult-related physical reactions.
Morry B. Smulevitz, Director of Communications for Lilly, stated that low testosterone was a “recognized clinical condition with signs and symptoms that could impact millions of patients.” The article does not identify Smulevitz as a medical professional, nor does it indicate where the clinical data he refers to originated. I guess we’re just supposed to ignore the medical professionals from Harvard and Scripps, and take his word for it.