The manufacturer of Vioxx wants to delay the first wrongful death trial for at least 60 days. Merck & Co. filed a motion to delay the trial arguing that it can’t receive a fair trial if the case is heard next week as scheduled. Merck withdrew the drug last September when research revealed that patients who took it for 18 months or longer more than doubled their risk for heart attack and stroke. Since that time, more than 2,400 lawsuits have been filed nationwide. We are handling more than 50 cases for those who have been injured by the dangerous drug. The motion is expected to be heard Tuesday in a Wharton Texas courtroom. In the motion, lawyers for Merck cited recent publicity about the drug which, according to Merck, “effectively eliminated any possibility Merck can receive a fair trial beginning July 11.” The more important issue is fairness and justice for the victims of this dangerous drug Vioxx.