NY Catholic PR Machine Humming Along

As I predicted earlier, the NY Catholic Conference’s public relations apparatus is firing on all cylinders. Just today, I’ve read op-ed pieces about how the NY Child Victims Act if signed into law, will bankrupt the dioceses of NY State as well as the Archdiocese of NY. In another editorial, I read that the Catholic Church in New York is already handling the priest abuse crisis and has been doing so since the scandal in Boston erupted in 2002. Both slanted pieces are not aimed at the truth but rather a call to arms for the Catholic faithful who are asked once again to defend Holy Mother Church from the onslaughts of the lawyers and Catholic bashers. While this is unspoken and hyperbolic, it is the underlying message behind the Catholic lobbyists PR onslaught designed from allowing the Child Victims Act from being signed into law.
A thoughtful reader of the New York scene might have noticed that the welfare of children receives nary a mention. That’s because for those would seek to destroy the Child Victims Act, it’s not about the children. It’s about power and the institution. For the NY State legislators and NY voters, it’s time for you to decide. Who will you support: the children or the powerful institution that has neglected their welfare for the past 50 years?