Pressure Mounts for Kansas City Catholic Bishop to Resign

Already criminally convicted of failing to report suspect child abuse, Bishop Robert Finn is facing mounting pressure from advocacy groups, Catholics, and perhaps a few of his fellow bishops, to step down from his post as leader of Catholics in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
Last week, we filed a civil lawsuit against Bishop Finn concerning one of his now-deceased priests Fr. Jerry Wegenek. Wegenek abused our client in the 1960’s and has had other allegations of sexual abuse lodged against him. While the Diocese responded to our sexual abuse lawsuit by stating that Wegenek had been removed from active ministry in 1994 after another allegation of sexual abuse was made against him. However, the Diocese did not make Wegenek’s name public or inform local parishioners that Wegenek had been accused of the sexual abuse of a minor.