Raytheon Contamination Identified in 6 Wells

A firm hired by Raytheon Corporation has found that at least six wells in the Azalea neighborhood have been contaminated by high level contaminants coming from the Raytheon plant in St. Petersburg. The tainted wells are scattered to the south as far as Eighth Avenue and to the east of the Raytheon site on 72nd Street. The results have prompted the following response from the DEP, “We are asking them until further notice to not use their irrigation wells and to please use municipal water for irrigation purposes until further notice.” This is a far cry from the initial response by DEP and Raytheon when both stated that there was no danger to the health of pets or humans. The investigation will continue and evidence will be gathered in the case. One thing is certain-Raytheon has not been a good neighbor to the residents of the Azalea neighbohood who knew nothing of this contaminaiton until the media uncovered the problem a few weeks ago.