Sex Abuse Rocks Paraguayan President

The president of Paraguay Fernando Lugo was a Catholic bishop prior to his resignation in 2004 in order to run for the presidency of Paraguay. In the last few weeks, Lugo admitted fathering one child while he was a bishop. Now it seems that Lugo fathered more than one child while a Catholic bishop. A former episcopal colleague of his, Most Rev. Rogelio Livieres, spoke out yesterday. Bishop Livieres spoke to the media and revealed that when Lugo was confronted with two complaints of sexual activity in 2004, he didn’t deny the accusations. In fact, Lugo stated that at least in one instance the child was most likely his.
If you think this is bad, wait, it gets worse. The women who are now accusing the former bishop of fathering their children were minors at the time. According to Bishop Livieres, two of the women wrote letters in 2004 to the Vatican informing them of their allegations. Livieres claims “everyone” knew about Lugo’s sexual activity with the minors but it was covered up so as not to hinder his presidential chances.
So, once again, the church knew about sexual abuse and covered it up. It covered up this behavior by a bishop who was preying on poor women who looked to him for guidance, spiritual assistance, and fatherly love. Instead, he abused his authority and role as a bishop to sexually prey on these young women. When notified of the bishop’s behavior, the Vatican officials turned a blind eye to it. I guess they didn’t want to create scandal!