You’ve just been in a car crash. You’re climbing out of your car and no one appears seriously injured in either vehicle. What should you do now? Call for emergency help. If possible, take notes of the exact location and position of the vehicles involved in the crash. Exchange insurance contact information with the other driver. Give the investigating officer(s) as much detail as possible about the accident. DO NOT discuss the details with the other driver. NEVER discuss with the other driver who caused the accident. Never admit fault even if you think you might be at fault. This is frequently a legal determination and should be made later when all teh facts are known. Your own admission at the scene that you might be at fault could mislead investigators into overlooking other factors. If you have visible injuries, get photos of them. Seek medical attention even if you feel ok immediately after the crash since the onset of health issues may take awhile to reveal themselves. Contact a good attorney for legal advice.